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Parents and SEL

kid-grit Launches Expanded Adult SEL & Staff Wellness Workshop Series to Support After-School Program Staff in California

When the Global Pandemic changed the course of education and youth services across the country, kid-grit and the Sacramento County Office of Education contracted on a Holistic Adult SEL & Staff Wellness Workshop Series. The program presented an interactive, educator-focused series of Professional Development Workshops designed to support educators and program staff in the real-time crisis that changed the education industry during the Pandemic.

“Providing the types of Professional Development for educators and program staff is at the core of our mission,” said Jeffrey L. Jordan, Mindful Co-Founder of kid-grit. “We were founded on the concept of holistic development and support and being able to pivot immediately and provide these types of inter-active, connected, workshops helped with the feeling of isolation and uncertainty that many, if not all, education professionals felt this year.”