NSLA Recap: Optimism in a Time of Change
How do you top a phenomenal event from 2023? Well, ask the folks over at the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA).
How do you top a phenomenal event from 2023? Well, ask the folks over at the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA).
In today’s fast-paced educational environment, mental health is no longer just a personal issue, it’s a professional priority.
At kid-grit, we are huge fans of CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning).
Here at kid-grit, we had a wonderfully crazy month in October! Check out this blog post to hear more about what we were up to.
October 26th is the 24th annual #LightsOnAfterschool with over one million after school champions showcasing how afterschool programs serve our communities.
We have joined forces with the Afterschool Alliance in support of acknowledging the vital afterschool education programs.
Jeffrey Jordan reflects on how we empowered, and entrusted, the next generation of mindful leaders to create legacy at kid-grit.
There is a gross misunderstanding of the incredible impact of SEL programs that effectively support learning in the classroom.
Social emotional learning is for everyone. Find out five things we have learned about social emotional learning in the past five years.
One of the biggest challenges we hear from our teaching partners is learning to integrate SEL into classroom instruction, regardless of the content area.
We need to fill teachers up with support, tools and new ideas in order to provide them stamina and resilience for the challenges they face.
kid-grit is excited to announce that we have officially partnered with Academic Solutions Group (ASG)!
A student’s development can be influenced by the people around them, whether they’re parents, educators, or peers.
This written piece is about expansion. During the week of April 25th, our small but mighty start-up was doing a lot of GREAT things.
The kid-grit 25-hour Curriculum addresses SEL, health and wellness, digital and social media balance, and 21st-century skills.
At kid-grit, we are concerned about the state of the education field and teacher dissatisfaction.
The loss of our nation’s teachers over the past two years in a national crisis is alarming, and we need to lift up the teaching profession.
We are committed to sharing how teachers help us think differently and can open up worlds of glorious knowledge and experiences.
In a time when we are losing teachers at a rapid pace, we at kid-grit wanted to share some love for what an enormous gift you, teachers are to this world.
Meet our partners Monica and Mark from the Sacramento Office of Education.
It is with enormous pleasure to announce we are adding the talented, gifted and seasoned Dr. Kathy Bihr to our kid-grit tribe!
This is the big picture. This is where we feel learning is headed. This is kid-grit.
One constant for kid-grit is that we never waver from the fact there is not a single approach that fits every student.
Over the weekend, I was scrolling through several teachers of Tik Tok accounts to examine the pulse of their days.
Welcome to the third and final installment of our little series on productivity and time management (or, better said, self-management within the context of time).
Welcome back! I trust that you’ve found some headspace to consider whether you are being truly effective or only efficient.
Life feels incredibly busy, and we find ourselves straining to knock out just a few more tasks before we call it a day – or stressing if we’re unable.
Reflection is a systematic reviewing process for educators that allows us to link one experience to the next, ensuring students make progress.