NSLA Recap: Optimism in a Time of Change
How do you top a phenomenal event from 2023? Well, ask the folks over at the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA).
See below for links to some of our recent news features and interviews!
Episode 1 Description: This is part one of a two-part series of episodes which features guests Julia Gabor and Michelle Pina of kid-grit. We discuss the importance of students being resilient and having grit. Talent alone is not always what makes individuals succeed. People seldom achieve their goals without effort. That is why grit is an essential element for success. Listen to this episode.
During this podcast, you will learn more about the following:
Episode 2 Description: Welcome back for part two of a two-part interview with guests Julia Gabor and Michelle Pina of kid-grit. During this episode, you will hear an ongoing discussion concerning the importance of students being resilient and having grit. This is a continuation of our previous interview, so it is already in progress. Listen to this episode.
During this podcast, you will learn more about the following:
How do you top a phenomenal event from 2023? Well, ask the folks over at the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA).
kid-grit designed and launched a Professional Development Workshop focused on helping educators sharpen their Virtual Facilitation skills.
Painted Hills Middle School contracted kid-grit to design and facilitate the first back to school experience for their 6th grade class.
The National Afterschool Association launched new Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for afterschool professionals and leaders.
Roselle Schools reached out to kid-grit to design and facilitate a Virtual School Assembly experience for three of their elementary schools.
kid-grit and the Sacramento County Office of Education contracted on a Holistic Adult SEL & Staff Wellness Workshop Series.