Episode 1 Description: This is part one of a two-part series of episodes which features guests Julia Gabor and Michelle Pina of kid-grit. We discuss the importance of students being resilient and having grit. Talent alone is not always what makes individuals succeed. People seldom achieve their goals without effort. That is why grit is an essential element for success. Listen to this episode.

During this podcast, you will learn more about the following:

  • Their inspiration for providing resources and training designed to empower students and educators.
  • Their definition of grit and why it is important for youth to have it.
  • What is kid-grit, when was it developed, its purposes and target groups.
  • How do parents and educators teach students patience and a strong work ethic?
  • Services available to adults, which complements the training given to students.
  • How the skills present in kid-grit are transferable to the corporate sector.

Episode 2 Description: Welcome back for part two of a two-part interview with guests Julia Gabor and Michelle Pina of kid-grit. During this episode, you will hear an ongoing discussion concerning the importance of students being resilient and having grit.  This is a continuation of our previous interview, so it is already in progress. Listen to this episode.

During this podcast, you will learn more about the following:

  • How do parents and educators teach students patience and a strong work ethic?
  • Services available to adults, which compliments the training given to students.
  • How the skills present in kid-grit are transferable to the corporate sector.


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