
When implementing a holistic youth development program, students become more secure, more self-aware and more empathetic. They develop positive and resilient mindsets, resulting in stronger character and the ability to use ‘grit – like’ skill sets in their day-to-day lives.  While we understand and are aware that we cannot completely change a student’s belief system without acknowledging that their circumstances may be challenging or undesirable, we believe that if we can instill self- awareness and expose them to new perspectives, they can have a higher chance of navigating their own personal situations with success.

All the lessons in this program have been designed to engage students in areas of personal development, social-emotional learning, life skills, 21st-century skill-based inquiry and global consciousness. These lessons are built to have students think critically and share perspectives — focusing on topics such as: tolerance, personal development, bullying, cyber-bullying, healthy screen time, building positive communities, gratitude, self-regulation, empathy, and choosing healthy foods and using exercise as a form of stress release. Students will be challenged to think outside the box and drive their own learning.  They will take on new ways of problem solving and, in the process, create their own prescription for healthier mindsets, building resilience and grit.

kid-grit is grounded in seminal research, CASEL and Building Blocks for Learning (Stafford-Brizard, K., 2016) which provides educators a framework for working with students. This framework calls out measures of healthy development, school readiness, mindsets for self and school, perseverance and independence and sustainability, as critical to the development of the whole child. At kid-grit, we wholeheartedly agree! Young people need a progressive, multi-tiered approach to develop a life leading to improved performance on all school and academic measures.


Life Skills, Resilience, Mindfulness, & Emotional Literacy:

  • Preschool, Elementary and Secondary
  • 25-hour inquiry-based curriculum focusing on life skills, youth development and mindfulness
  • Five modules, 12 lessons and 12 aligned mastery projects, reflection questions and extended activities
  • Flexible for any education setting
  • CASEL aligned
  • Family and home activities
  • Pre and post evaluations
  • Additional educator created activities
  • Requires training

Expected Outcomes/Goals:

  • Less disciplinary activity, increased attendance, positive shift in school, classroom or programmatic climate.
  • Students actualize their own skills and potential.
  • Building these competencies increases students’ engagement in learning and subsequently improves students’ cognitive and academic achievement.
  • College and career readiness/21st-century skill-based content.
  • Less disciplinary activity, increased attendance, positive shift in school, classroom or programmatic climate.

It is suggested that when implementing kid-grit programming that staff, parents and administration participate in as many professional development opportunities as possible. This is to increase the chances of success in order to in order to create a positive school climate that is inclusive of the entire community.


  • The kid-grit Ultimate Self- Awareness Journal: 97 Writing Prompts for the Modern-Day Teen – Over 25 pages of reflection and journal opportunities for students to continue the deep exploration of life skills and personal exploration.
  • kid-grit Asset Cards – Decks of cards with positive affirmations and short ice breaker activities and dialogue prompts. These can be utilized with or without the kid-grit curriculum.
  • kid-grit Youth Certificates of Completion – After 25 hours of SEL, life skills and executing the Action Projects, reward your students with a certificate of completion! 


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