kid-grit Professional Development/Workshops Outside the Curriculum

One of the unique and outstanding qualities of a kid-grit trainer is our ability to connect to our audiences in an authentic way, whether we are training teachers, out of school time professionals, professionals, families or working directly with students.

We create real relationships, validate your experience, and encourage you to keep growing and moving forward.

We offer an array of workshops customized and tailored to your personal, professional, organizational or companies needs and desire for productivity and health.

Raise Them Up! Resilience through Mind, Body, Community & Digital Balance

Do your staff need social-emotional and mindfulness techniques? In this workshop we will engage staff in addressing self-regulation in areas of mindfulness, healthy behaviors, tolerance and empathy, and digital/social consciousness. This workshop provides a BRAND-NEW approach to helping staff develop motivation, positive behavior and resilience. We will provide team building and hands-on activities to implement in your organization as soon as tomorrow!


Most organizations don’t pay enough attention to how employees are feeling or should be feeling. They underestimate how central emotions are needed to build the right workplace culture. In this session, we will show a clear connection between emotional intelligence and social-emotional learning. We will provide take away strategies for educator leaders to utilize inside their organizations. These strategies will help build the emotional IQ of staff in order to create a more productive, positive and thriving work culture.

‘What’s My Why’ And WHY It’s Important Pertaining to Youth

Based on Simon Sinek’s famous Ted Talk “Start With Why” this session helps all level of staff examine why you work in the youth space. We will reflect, share ideas and tips on how to find your spark or reignite it so that you begin to share, give and build a community where we are inspired, feel great at work, and end our days with fulfillment and purpose.

The “Superteam Meeting” – 3+ Ways to Mindfulness and Staff Support

In order for staff to feel supported, we need to spend time ensuring they are feeling safe and seen. When this happens, they carry it over to their peers and students. In the session, we will walk through simple ways to approach mindfulness in staff meetings that don’t intimidate staff. We will share methods that support you as a leader to build confidence in delivering a mindful practice, and how to incorporate it into your staff meetings in a nonthreatening way. No fluff here.

Digital & Social Media Conversations: The Impact of Poor Behavior and the Consequences to Follow

What are you saying to the world about yourself on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter?  How does your future employer see you? In this session, we will expose the impact of poor social media activity AND we will share tips and tricks on how to create a mindful positive, passionate and professional social media profiles. Join us for this interactive workshop. Bring your phones!

Impactful Facilitator Tips: 8 Simple Strategies for Classroom Management

“How do I manage kids?” Do you wonder where to begin? Whether you are in the classroom or working in an afterschool program, explore, learn and engage in hands-on activities, personal connection and strategies  to utilize with youth from all backgrounds. We will facilitate dialogue about how to develop strong relationships with youth, lead by example and inspire your students.

What Suit Am I Wearing Today?

Are you an administrator struggling with staff engagement and professionalism? In this workshop, we will examine how staff actions are impacting the work environment. If your staff wants to be treated well and with respect, we ask them if they are sending out the same message they are expecting in return. In this reflection-based workshop, we will create a safe space and take a deep look at professional and personal behavior. We will dive into how we show up for our colleagues and students each day, as well as how that behavior spills out into our personal lives. We work with teams to create positive accountability plans and staff driven solutions to improve the work environment. While the approach is gentle, the work we do in this session can be confronting. It’s time to get honest.

Let’s Get Creative: Improvisational Theater Games and Social Emotional Learning!

Get ready to get going, grow, glow, gasp, growl, giggle & grin! It’s no secret that improv has been utilized for decades as a method of encouraging creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication. We will show you how it can be used as a disguised tool for SEL! Learn how to lead simple improvisational theatre games & implement them with your staff and/or your students. We address public speaking, creative writing, language arts, character education, teambuilding, and leadership.

Raise Them Up NOT Down: A Positive Detention Strategy

There is a new movement in school detention practices. Instead of punishment…schools that provide prevention and intervention strategies during detention are seeing positive results and improvement in student behaviors. Join us to learn how to launch easy hands-on activities and how to have critical discussions with youth about their own behaviors.

“Oh no, I have to write a lesson plan? UGH!”

Struggling with creating fun and innovative lessons plans for school or afterschool programs? In this workshop, we will review the basic components of a lesson plan with a twist of fun! We will learn by doing, discover, and create a lesson plan from scratch. We will share how to align lessons with standards while including opportunities for inquiry, collaboration, leadership, and reflection.

Service Learning Basics: The What, Why and How To…

Looking for an introduction to service-learning? Join us for this session as we introduce your staff to the importance of building inquiry-based lessons on how to support your community! Instructional staff will learn how to build collaborative projects that help the community locally, nationally or worldwide. Topics will cover pre- reflection, research, experiential learning, advocacy, presentation, and post-reflection. After sharing the basics, we will provide time for your staff to brainstorm and plan some of their own ideas on how to implement service-learning into your program or classroom.

The kid-grit YCP (Young Career Professionals) Workshop Track

Fear of… Public or Impromptu Speaking and the Elevator Pitch?

“Count backward, imagine them naked, and stare above their heads” … The truth is, there is more to it than that! You never know when you will be expected to speak in a meeting. Or when a future employer is standing next to you in an elevator. Or when you’ll have to present in a meeting. In this fun and activity based session we will help you build your confidence, self-management, and skills sets and be prepared to speak to anyone, anywhere, anytime!

Your Best Self: A Mindful Approach to Mastering an Interview

You don’t know what to wear, clammy hands, and wrong answers. Where do you begin? How about with you!  You are valuable and worth the job! From handshakes to wardrobe to eye-contact, we will share and discuss how to build your toolbox and gather all the best interview tips so you can hit a home run at every job interview you go to!

A Bad Email IS Your Problem

Do you think email is the most important form of communication of the 21st century? Do you think that well-crafted emails are not a mark of your professional skills or part of your organization’s brand? Well, if it’s not on your list as the most utilized form of communication, you might be doing something wrong. If you want to be a top-level, competitive, and efficient employee/staff member in the 21st-century workspace, you better know the rules of email! The consequences can be crucial to your professional growth and your organization’s’ culture. Let’s discuss what can go wrong with email. Let’s count the ways…and fix them!

How to Show Off Your Super Power on a Piece of Paper!

Do you dread writing a resume or cover letter?  We understand! In this workshop we share creative tips and tools to land that VIP interview! We start with basic formats, and then help you discover and describe who you are so that your potential employer can’t wait to hire you! You have lots to offer the world, we’ll help you get it down on paper and create a dynamic resume and cover letter!

Winning Career Tips!

Are you looking for ways to grow yourself or your staff? We will share professional moves that will jump start your career and help you stand out from the rest!  In this workshop we will cover: the informational interview, how to get a ‘professional’ mentor, and how to run an effective meeting. It’s time to shine!

Customer Service 101

Eye contact, a warm smile, speaking clearly, basic pleasantries, follow-up and out of the box thinking.  If these are foreign to you, this workshop is for you or your staff! We will help participants understand who and what a stakeholder is. We will also share ideas how to treat customers, internal colleagues as well as partners, board members etc. with respect and superior customer service. We go above and beyond to help participants understand the importance of branding, culture and, of course, how to smile.

Simple Ways to Set SMART GOALS for Anyone

Underperforming, unsustainable, and underachieving…is this you?  Is this your staff? You can’t expect to grow if you don’t know what your starting point is. Measuring success starts with trackable and tangible goals. In this workshop, participants will create structured goals that support the companies/organizations annual and overarching goals, learn how to measure success, and develop an action plan. We will help companies and/or organizations performance improve while helping staff with direction and are supported with SMART goals.

The biz-grit (Executives/Professionals) Holistic Coaching Track

Holistic Executive Transformational Coaching:

4, 8 and 12-session packages. Achieve mental, emotional, and physical balance in your approach to your professional life.

  • Are you a stressed-out professional suffocating in work and responsibility?
  • Have you lost your ability to eat right?
  • Has restorative sleep become a thing of the past?
  • Does your diet consist of only take-out and items off the dollar menu?
  • Do you suffer from work anxiety?

The kid-grit Holistic Executive/Professional Transformational Coaching Program takes clients on a daily journey (1-3 months) focused on achieving goals through improved mindset, proper nutrition and movement, and connection, while discovering new ways to conceive balance, happiness, and life-satisfaction.

By applying the Mind-Body-Connection approach to Holistic Executive/Professional Transformation & Wellness, you will begin to feed your Mind with positive and intentional thinking, fuel your Body with nutritious foods, and strengthen your Spirit with purpose.

If you have a desire improve your wellness and professional performance through a balance of the mind, body and connection approach to coaching but time, logistics, and resources may be an issue for you, then we have developed a 4, 8, or 12-week online Holistic Executive/Professional Transformation Training, Mentoring, & Coaching Program.  The sole purpose of this coaching experience is to give you all the keys to unlock the secrets to building a positive mindset, the nutritional knowledge to know exactly what your body needs and wants to function at its highest level, and how to develop a spiritual purpose and connection to something greater than yourself. At the end of the coaching program you will know how to put that into play within the framework of your life.

The First Module: During the first part of your coaching program, you will discover nothing genuinely changes until you surrender the mindset that doesn’t and hasn’t served you in the past. In the first module, focused on the Mind, you will shift your mindset, set clear Intentions, and develop your Vision for the healthiest version of yourself. We will examine fixed and growth mindsets and build into a benefit mindset which will serve you, your employees (if applicable), and your entire organization to operate at its highest efficiency.

The Second Module: After strengthening and aligning your Mind and getting clear on your Intentions and Vision, the second module will focus on the Body. You will learn the 3 most important aspects of Nutrition, and discover how Exercise and Movement can work in your professional life in a practical way.

The Third Module: The third module of the course will introduce Connection/Spirit as an energy force, and teach you daily rituals that will support a spiritual practice and connection to a greater purpose. Over the last couple of weeks of your program, we will also connect the 3 pillars of Wellness (Mind-Body-Spirit) so your Transformational approach to your Professional life will be well-balanced and integrated across these 3 very important aspects of life.


  • Improved Mindset and outlook on your business/work & personal life.
  • Clearer Intentions and Vision for a healthier, more balanced you.
  • Become a mindful eater and give your body the nourishment it needs and truly wants and therefore achieve your optimal weight and health.
  • Reduced food cravings, sugar, and caffeine addictions.
  • Improved sleep quality. Finally get the rest you need to revitalize and restore and perform professionally.
  • Less stress and anxiety, and improved overall work/life balance.
  • Maximize and learn how your energy “shows up” in your life.
  • Improved relationships and communication with your co-workers, family , and friends.
  • Become grounded and connected to higher purpose.

Our goal and mission is to maximize/increase professional performance, satisfaction, and overall wellness/balance by providing a creatively comprehensively designed strategy for Executive/Professional Transformational Coaching. Our Program strategies compliment and build your personal brand, energy, and overall productivity. Through our topical knowledge and authentic care about health and wellness, we will provide resources to help add value to your professional and personal life, and in return grow your productivity and overall health/wellness balance.

We all know a happy and healthy professional is a productive executive, professional, or employee, which in turn makes for better teamwork, a more connected work environment, better productivity, and an unlimited source of potential.

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