kid-grit Family Pandemic Crisis Guide

Our goal is to connect families to each other in this new world, in a new way, while keeping youth calm and educating kids about COVID-19. With that said, we have developed Knowledge is Power, The kid-grit Pandemic Crisis Guide: Wellness for Families, Guardians & Their Kids (K-5, 6-12).

In keeping with our commitment to holistic wellness and in response to school and after-school program closures, we are also supporting families! The kid-grit Family has created a timely, activity-based guide, which is filled with fun, educational, positive activities and discussions for parents/guardians to use with your children.

Through the inspiring interactions outlined in the kid-grit: Knowledge is Power Guide, you and your kids are going to get to know each other more deeply… share ideas, problem-solve … and spend true “quality time” together. The activities may be a little out of everyone’s comfort zone, or it could be right in your lane. Either way, jump right and in! Explore new ways to connect with your family through our holistic approach to mindfulness, body awareness, connection/community, and digital consciousness.


  • Family engagement
  • Individual and collaborative studying and research opportunities
  • Critical and analytical thinking activities
  • Problem-solving situations
  • Team Building skills
  • Relevant learning
  • Real-time projects with impact
  • Safe community engagement
  • Family bonding moments
  • Strengthened communication skills

While this guide was built for the COVID-19 crisis, feel free to take away what you like/need from these activities and skills, and use at any time for any other situation as needed. Today is the day we move mountains!

Please Note: The Pandemic Crisis Guides are not available at this time. Sign up for our email newsletter to receive a notification when the updated versions are available.

Family Pandemic Guide 6-12